Firewall Configuration - macOS 11

To enable the firewall on macOS, you should do the following

Open System Preferences

On your Mac, click on the Apple icon in the top left hand corner of the screen

Next, click on System Preferences

Click on Security & Privacy

Click Firewall

If the padlock at the bottom left is locked, click it to unlock it

Click on the ‘Turn On Firewall’ button

Next click on the ‘Firewall Options’ button

Next tick the box next to “Block all incoming connections”

Click OK to apply that

We’ll break this down, by turning on the Firewall we restricted the potential routes into our mac

Then by blocking all incoming connections, we ensured that any attempt to access our machine will be blocked, choosing this option also enabled ‘Stealth Mode’. Stealth Mode prevents responses to some common network communication, so other machines looking for devices on the network won’t see you, it doesn’t make you invisible however, and properly monitored networks will still be aware of you, it just gives you a bit of extra anonymity on public WiFi.

Last modified: 14 January 2021